Max Pitegoff and Calla Henkel
Miami Plate (1), 2013
12.88 x 19.6 inches
Edition of 3 plus II AP

Aubrey Mayer
Trip Dick, 2013
enamel, spray paint, graffiti pen, oil paint on paper
3 panels, 28.5 x 36.5 inches each

Nicolás Guagnini
Rhinotmetus, 2013
Glazed vitrified ceramics
8.5 x 8 x 6 inches

Israel Lund
Untitled, 2013
Acrylic on raw canvas
44 x 34 inches

Will Benedict
Kissing Cousins 1, 2013
gouache on foamcore and canvas, archival inkjet print, framed with aluminium, glass and tape
35.43 x 27.55 inches

Charles Mayton
(sp k y -l sh n), 2013
oil and acrylic on canvas
77 x 60 inches

Nicolás Guagnini
Homer Lusk, 2013
Glazed vitrified ceramics
8 x 8 x 6 inches

Greg Parma Smith
GPS 2, 2013
oil, acrylic, and metallic leaf on canvas
46 x 32 inches

Lucy Dodd,
Salamandvia, 2013
Moose poop, golden rod, Quarry Hill clay, yerba mate, mango, charcoal, Verona, green earth, sumac extract, kukicha, agua de florida, bergamot oil, dew, cayenne, wing farm pond water, chianti, blueberries, graphite, wild mushrooms, wild mixed berries, grass swipe, volcanic ash, bubs urine, natures miracle, and oil pastel on canvas.
124 ½ x 120 inches

Charles Mayton
trouble in dreams, 2013
acrylic on canvas
77 x 60 inches

Viola Yesiltac
(Wenn das Sujet sich unwohl fühlt, zieht sich seine Persönlichkeit zurück), 2013
Ink on reverse of yellow vinyl
72 x 55 inches

Dawn Kasper
0, 2013
30 x 40 inches

Max Pitegoff and Calla Henkel
Miami Plate (4), 2013
18.33 x 32 inches (46.56 x 81.28 cm)
Edition of 3 plus II AP